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The Revenge Of The Forgotten Class

What Comes After Denial? Thoughs On Donald Trumpâs Movement


I really find the state liberal view of reality to be just about intolerable. But I find the Republican view of reality to be just as intolerable, if not more. State liberal politicians and those who buy their bullshit want to enslave humanity to government bureaucracy. Conservative politicians and those who believe their bullshit want to enslave humanity to corporate domination. Or, so it used to be. Now the lines have blurred.


The CorporationâThe Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power


We really don’t yet know what we elected into the presidency of Donald Trump. But, we are likely entering a new, darker period for humanity as this cycle continues to unfold.  It appears we may be entering a period of outright fascism in this nation with the election of our first corporate president.  More on that in another post. But, whatever unfolds, we have created it just for us. And, it will clearly provide the experience humanity needs in this moment.  I suspect that is going to be a greater and greater understanding and eventual breakdown of our belief systems. Today, people continue to bargain with the state, be that in the United States or elsewhere.  That bargaining is based on a belief system rather than any form of truth.  That attempt at bargaining will create a very clearly defined lesson to be cumulatively learned by humanity. And, that is where what we will witness next.  In other words, that our belief systems continue to delude us into a world we believe in rather than a reality that actually exists.  And, bargaining with our belief systems will create the next phase of crises for all of us to cumulatively deal with.


Update On Very Disconcerting Developments In Communist China And A Deeper Look Into Humanityâs Own Pathology (The Ego Or The Self) As It Continues To Manifest Through The State


As P.T. Barnum, our new cartoon, carnival-barking, shyster U.S. president gets ready to take office, (The true Trump is already starting to reveal himself.) I wanted to talk about some of what is coming; more and more of what I have written of more than a decade in thousands of posts that is now starting to reveal itself.  Let me first say one more thing about the election. I’m going to be putting up some more posts on Trump and the election because his election is a sign of our ignorance and a sign of the times.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve written extensively over the years about Bill and Hillary being criminals. I know many want to label Obama as our worst president in history but don’t kid yourself. It was clearly Clinton, economically, spiritually and socially. He is as purely of a morally bankrupt public official as I have ever seen.  That he was able to deceive the American people for eight years, and in the process dismantle so much of our rule of law is a stain on who we have become. Ditto with Donald Trump. And, frankly, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama and George Bush.  Bargaining with evil, as the American people, and really all people around the world, have become so good at, will eventually pay off in spades. And that payoff will be exactly the opposite of what was ever intended.  Trump, in my estimation, because of the astrological cycle we are currently experiencing, is likely to be that guy. (A pre-ordained cycle giving rise to pathological, fear-based, nationalistic fervor around the world. Remember, enlightenment is a very violent process as it involves the repudiation, often foisted upon the ego/self violently, of its delusional belief systems that keep us from ever seeing reality.  Today, humanity is still bargaining with those belief systems. But, that too will change as our belief systems eventually shatter before our very eyes.) 


Jesus Was A Commie


It’s been more than half a year since I have posted anything. I’m going to try to get three posts up within the next two weeks. This is the first. I have often said on here it wasn’t the Jews who killed Jesus of Nazareth, it was the establishment.  And, if he were alive today, they would kill him again for his message.


Is It That Time? The Ignorance Of The Establishment Has Just Hit A Deafening Crescendo.


I’ll be putting up a follow-on post to a post from some years ago as it pertains to decesnnial patterns in finance. In that post I noted that we are likely witnessing the Great Depression in reverse. I’ll be revisiting that in detail but the point of that post was that the massive financial crisis that preceeded the Great Depression would happen on the back end of this cycle due to policies being reversed from those in the Great Depression. As I’ve noted time and again, we are in the eye of the hurricane. All appears calm on the surface. Below the surface corporate capitalism is already in systemic collapse. And, if those patterns hold true, 2017 could very well be the year that the massive illusions disappear and we finally see the world for what it is.


The Recognition of Evil and the Violence of Awakening


We certainly live in the most critical times in human history. Modern society is in various degrees of collapse around the world. Something that was written would happen on here before the 2008 collapse. I could go into excrutiating detail on those examples of collapse, but I’ve already done that time and again. Two things to remember during this time as it pertains to this topic. One, we are in a war cycle, again something predicted on here long before pathological lunatics were hurling verbal grenades between countries, and, with the rise of the state in the last century, there has been a mass global migration off of the land into the cities. In other words, people have become reliant on the state unlike at any time in human history. People can’t walk and chew gum at the same time without some authority figure telling them how to do so. The times we live in today have historically seen people eventually leave the cities en masse because the state can no longer take care of them. That dynamic is a direct feeder into a war cycle.


Patholigical Evil and Kennedyâs Peace Speech


"Of the tyrant (the state), spies and informers are the principal instruments. War is his favorite occupation for the sake of engrossing the attention of the people and making himself necessary to them as their leader" --Aristotle, over 2000 years ago


The Perversion Of Our Society And Relevant Headlines To The Endless Fraud In The United States Of Corporations


Near the bottom of this post are a few relevant links to some interesting news and data points that never really made the headlines over the last six months. It’s not really a surprise why.  Generally because our masters don’t wish them to.


Daniel Ellsberg C-SPAN Interview - The (Pathologically-Evil) Doomsday Machine


One of the points I have made on here over the years is how brainwashed Americans are about the United States military or as our founders noted, standing armies. The military machine has always been corrupt. As just one example, Smedley Butler, a former Marine major general and author of War is a Racket, wrote about it nearly 100 years ago. He wrote, and countless others have articulated since that the military was essentially used to pave the way for corporate domination around the globe. If your eyes are wide open, you can see that more clearly than ever. I’m quite confident the leadership in the military today are some of the most vile people in American society. Compare that to the foot soldier who I’d suppose to generally be decent people. People who are young and naive about serving their country, people who just need a job or people who have no other opportunities in life because they are poor or born into a region of the nation that is stricken with abject poverty.


Martin Luther King - Why I Am Opposed To The War In Vietnam; And Its Meaning In An Even More Violent And Evil World That Exists Today


I missed Martin Luther King’s birthday by a few days but wanted to get this up regardless. King has been discussed on here as one of the most profound leaders in human history. I was thinking the other day of who would I actually place as America’s greatest leaders. That’s a hard question. There honestly haven’t been that many on a national stage whose actions were so powerfully impacting to all people. Off the top of my head I thought in no particular order-


Robert ShillerâThe Stock Market Is Right Where It Was Before The Start Of The Great Depression


This country is a f*cking disaster. Entire swaths of the country look like post-apocalyptic war zones. Most people don’t have enough money to survive more than a week without a job. Even if that job is nothing more than slavery by another name. Don’t buy the nonsense that things are going great. The reason why the stock market is in a massive bubble is that there is no demand for capital; something noted on here many times before the 2008 collapse as an apocalyptic future omen.  In other words, because industrial capitalism is already in systemic failure, all of the money printing done by the Federal Reserve and other central banks is rolling into renter capitalism assets like stocks, bonds and real estate and just blowing prices through the roof.  Every new dollar created just makes the disaster larger. 


Superbowl Ad Hijacking Martin Luther Kingâs Message Of Selflessness


I don’t pay much attention to TV. I’ve noted on here it has been decades since I watched a TV news broadcast. I did watch the Superbowl this weekend. I watched it as much as a sociological experiment as I did for the game. Frankly, I haven’t watched a Superbowl in so long I can’t remember. But, it’s very interesting to gain perspective watching the halftime shows, the TV ads, etc.


Timely Economic and Market Comments


It is no coincidence I posted that the stock market as a percentage of GDP was in the ozone and that Robert Schiller’s earnings calculator were screaming warning signs just weeks before the market started gyrating wildly to the downside in 2018.  There were some external factors pointing to a very overheated market.


McCabeâs FiringâIs an Indictment of Hillary Clinton Imminent?


I don’t post often anymore but the world is starting to heat up again. While I’m not a big fan of Donald Trump, I did write on here the day before the elections that if I used history as a guide, he would win the election. No one, and I mean no one, in the mainstream gave that thought even the most remote of possibilities.


Timely Remarks On The State Of The State


Before I get to my next post where I'll talk about China, the U.S. and trade, just a few remarks of the insanity of this world.  The world certainly is a profoundly interesting place right now.  Not in a good way, either. And, so are the political wranglings in Washington. It appears FBI Director McCabe was investigating the United States Attorney General before he was fired. It appears this may have come at the request of some in Congress but to be honest, I have no idea what the law is around this.I'd imagine the answers can be found online if I really wanted to find out. But, can a few congresspeople seek an investigation of the attorney general and use the FBI? Or, does this need to be voted on by one or both houses of Congress?  Or, what is required to direct the FBI to investigate the AG, whom the FBI reports to?  I don't know off of the top of my head. But, I doubt anyone else does either. That's how bizarre this world is. 


Recent Examples That The State Continues Down The Path Of Massive Crisis Or Outright Collapse


Just a quick post on an interview with Alan Dershowitz that is completely on point regarding special counsels and how our legal system has been headed down the rabbit hole for generations. The article and interview are here. (A long time theme on here is the ultimate collapse of both political parties in this nation.)


Illegal Search & Seizure And The Trump Presidency


I want to get up a post on trade, tariffs and China in the coming week or so but I also want to address what is happening in our nation at this very moment. First, some quick remarks about Trump and the investigation into his behavior and then a post about Facebook and the dystopian corporate state.


Facebookâs Dystopian âCommunityâ


I watched about ten minutes of Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress and that’s about all I needed. To hear the terminology Facebook uses inside of the company and referring to its users as the “community” was very uncomfortable. When he referenced the happiness of the community, it was even more disturbing. Especially, since this is an overriding and incredibly movement within all corporations today. I’ll be talking more about this in an upcoming post on Jefferson’s reference to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’ll expose just how f*cked up our society is and how ignorant corporations have made us. 


The United States Continues Down The Rabbit Hole Under The Guidance Of State Liberalism And The Death Of Individual Liberty


First off, I have a post written on the “trade wars” we are witnessing today but I need to shorten it a bit. Trade tensions are not going away. For the last dozen years I’ve written extensively of what was coming. It’s now here. The status quo and the economic aristocracy are both fighting to hold onto what they have gained albeit often ill-gotten.  They will fail.


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